This page provides the SATS team with useful information and links to sites that could be helpful when planning an ARISS contact or when tracking/communicating with any Earth satellite.
The following Satellite Pass Prediction web sites require your position and UTC/GMT offset.
QTH for Winnipeg:
latitude: 49.8570, longitude: -97.2295, grid EN19ju, elevation 229 metres, -5 hours for CST and -6 hours for CDST
QTH for Pinawa:
50.1527, -95.8821, 282m
AMSAT Online Satellite Pass Predictions
Heavens Above Satellite Pass Predictions (with sky maps)
Active Satellite Frequencies (AMSAT-UK)
FUNcube-1 (AO-73) Real Time Online Satellite Tracking
Amateur Radio Satellite Tracker
Current Location of the ISS
ISS Viewer
ISS Tracker
Satflare for APRS contacts with the ISS
APRS frequency used by ISS is 145.825 MHz
Audio Clips from ARISS Contacts
Indiana School - October 17, 2014
USTREAM Live ISS Earth Viewing Experiment (ESA)
USTREAM Live ISS Earth Viewing Experiment (NASA)
British Amateur Television Club (BATV) Online TV broadcasts of UK ARISS contacts
Amateur Radio Stations Heard by the ISS (APRS Digipeaters)
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